Social Security Tribunal of Canada

Keeping you informed: RSS feeds now available from the Social Security Tribunal


2021 update: We’ve moved from RSS feeds to social media. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter for useful information about the appeal process and how we’re improving access to justice for Canadians. 

The Social Security Tribunal is looking at different ways of sharing information about the work we’re doing. We now have RSS feeds that allow you to sign up to receive information about newly-published decisions and other process changes and improvements at the Tribunal.

You can choose the RSS feeds you want to subscribe to and be notified when we publish decisions on Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan or Old Age Security. Other subscription options include notifications when we change our forms, or when we have news to share about how we’re making our processes more accessible, faster and fairer for Canadians.

Paul Aterman
Paul Aterman
Social Security Tribunal of Canada
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