Social Security Tribunal of Canada

Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement Appeal Division: Second level of appeal

Appeal a General Division Decision

If you disagree with the General Division decision you received, you can appeal that decision to the Appeal Division.

The Appeal Division is the second level of appeal to the Social Security Tribunal (SST). It’s where you apply if you disagree with the General Division decision.

SST members are assigned to either the Appeal Division, or the General Division. So, you won’t have the same member at the Appeal Division as you had at the General Division. Appeal Division members make their decisions independently from General Division members. 

Appealing to the Appeal Division is a two-step process:

  1. Ask for permission to appeal from an Appeal Division member. This is called “getting leave to appeal.”
  2. If you get permission to appeal, the Appeal Division member will decide the appeal after a hearing.
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